Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ms. Gibbs

We went to see some of the working being done by "Rebuild New Orleans". Basically they are a group that is reclaiming and restoring many of the older homes that historic value to them. The keep as much of the old home (wood work, doors window) as possible in attempt to preserve New Orleans rich architecture heritage.

We also met a couple of locals who are going to or just moved into their new home. These two people had both been through so much hell, and yet they had such positive attitudes, and they thanked God for everyday. they were some of the warmest people I've every met. Ms. Gibbs had just moved back into her new home yesterday. She was rescued by a boat from her perch on top of her kitchen sink (she will be turned 80 something next week). After my photo shoot with her I went to shake her hand and she pulled me into a big hug and said I love, which she said to everyone. after that I stepped outside and had to take a moment to regain my composure. How, how can things like this happen to people like that? How can they being so compassionate towards those of us who have never lost anything when they have lost everything. Of all the things I've seen this short little woman has touched me the most.

Mrs. Gibbs tells us about how after being recued she went to live with her son who then died a month later. She lost four sons, a husband and mother with in three years. For a woman who's seen so much grief she has such an up beat attitude.

Sydney is still living in a trailer in the yard behind his house. During the flood he escaped to his cousins house who lives next door, they then had to be rescued from his cousins attic.

This is from the warehouse where they keep part of old buildings, they clean them up and resell them to contractors.

The recording is of the kids from Hillel who gave up their spring break to come help build houses.

John works for Rebuild New Orleans Together. He was the one nice effect to show us around different work sites today.


Colleen said...

What beautiful insights into these experiences--both visually and verbally.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I can't believe the place still looks like that! Imagine what it looked like right after that! Are you meeting lots of people? Can't wait to see the pictures doll. Hope you are having fun..and miss me a teenie bit...