This theater picture I took of Kelsey gets a lot of comments. And technically it's pretty sound, but I'm afraid to use it in my portfolio because people will took at my work and think all I can shoot are my friends.

I like these two pictures because composite (bellow) and content (above). You get a good feeling about who this girl is and what she does. but as an image on it's own it's gives of the same hollow tone I got from previous work. I like the way one of my classmates commented. She said "It's cute" and that's all there was to say. I says nothing about me as a photographer other then that I known how to make her look good. As with the bottom, it shows that I know how to make a decent composting and how to use lighting for a dramatic effect. but the viewer really doesn't get much out of the image on it's own. However, there is something about this I really like, and against my best judgment I am tempted not to throw it out quite yet.

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