Thursday, March 27, 2008

Habitats for Humanity

We spent some time at Habitats for Humanity, photographing the the progress coming along in the musicians village. It a colorful lot of houses most of which belong to musicians who were displaced by the storm. Yesterday we followed around a group of high school kids all in a jazz band who gave up their spring break to help build houses. During their lunch break they also put on a performance of jazz music. It was excited to watch the older musicians come streaming in and jump into a jamming season with these kids. I don't know much about Jazz music but from the look on the kids faces I knew this was a big deal. I have some sound recording I want to post hopefully in the next couple days so stay toned.

Pearl is a local who recently moved back to New Orleans after being in Florida for the past two years, her mother is still stuck in Huston, for a large close family the hardest part of this is the separation.

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