Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Final End

I think this week marks the true end to my trip. Which sounds odd since I've been back for weeks. But I finally rolled my empty suitcase out of the laundry room and I finally got the voice recordings ready to upload, be sure to look back at past posts to listen to interviews with locals affected by the storm.

Also a couple days ago I got a call from Nora, one of the ladies I interviewed, she called to let me know the house were we met her was knocked down recently, secretly at night. This was the house she talks about in her interviews as a symbol to her of the typical New Orleans. I guess having this house disappear is just one more sign that the old New Orleans is gone.

It's going to take a lot of time and help to build up the New Orleans. It's very much in our hands what the New Orleans will be like.

1 comment:

custom trains said...

New Orleans is going to take a lot of time and love to heal, but it will happen.